This is a “Mod”-Maker I made for Receiver 2 around mid-2020.

It’s supposed to enable players of Receiver 2 to change the settings of each level as simple as possible.

It sure as hell ain’t perfect. Unfortunately. The code ain’t the best as well. I somehow thought writing a .json parser myself was a good idea. It wasn’t.

But somehow it still does what it’s supposed to do and the game is able to interpret the files this program produces.

All in all this program could’ve been coded better. I strive to basically completely rebuild the code, but for now I’ll give this to you as-is.

Because it works. It’s not good looking at all, might be a bit confusing as well. But I did my best to explain everything to the best of my knowledge. Hovering over basically anything with your mouse will give you more information about it.

Every variable is tweakable and since there are a lot of variables with one or two zeroes after the decimal, I also implemented a pop-up (triggerable through hovering over the name of the variable) which shows the percentage of the changes done to the original value of the variable.

This program also supports importing Receiver 2 “mission-files”. Dunno how else to call them. They’re the .json-files in the "Receiver 2\Receiver2_Data\StreamingAssets\WorldGenerationConfigurations" folder.

Also this program has its own saving- and loading-system for presets which are only around 50 kb big and can therefore easily be sent to friends if so desired.

There’s a lot to explore and to find out, so I’ll leave y’all to it. Go ahead and try out everything you ever wanted to change in those mission files and please don’t hesitate to give me feedback!

If you want to, you can download this program here.

Here’s a link to the analysis by, but feel free to test this file with all the tools, websites, etc you can find. You can never be too cautious on the internet.


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